The Church of Christ Congregational, UCC
We gather as a body of Christ for the purpose of worshiping God and studying the holy scripture. Through faith, we see the light of God and work to recast, and share that light in the world.
We affirm the worth in all people and work to encourage each individual’s spiritual journey. Guided by the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, we face our future with hope and confidence in God’s purpose.
We seek, using diversity of our God given gifts, to extend Christ’s love by sharing our faith through word and action. We willingly and openly share our faith with all who may be seeking.
We warmly receive those who hunger for fellowship and a personal relationship with God. No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Open and Affirming Statement
We, the congregation of the Church of Christ, Congregational, UCC, Granby, MA, celebrate our diversity and believe that each of us is a beloved child of God, created in God’s own image.
We seek to follow Jesus Christ’s teachings for humanity and include all people into the life, community, and fellowship of this congregation.
We openly support full participation in our church from persons of every race, ethnicity, faith background, language, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, and economic or marital status.
We affirm and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.
We hereby declare ourselves Open and Affirming, and we extend God’s extravagant welcome to all.